All Healthcare Professionals are invited to attend this clinical refresher educational meeting in the UK and Bulgaria from 10am to 3pm on the following dates (please select your option(s):
Topic: Clinical Governance and Medico-legal Issues in Healthcare
Venue: London, UK
Time: 10am to 5pm
Cost: £144 (which includes course materials, lunch and refreshments)
Dates: Please state your option):
Topic: Management of Cancers in the Community
Venue: London, UK
Time: 10am to 5pm
Cost: £144 (which includes course materials, lunch and refreshments)
Dates (Please state your option):
Topic: Advances in Cardiovascular Diseases
Venue: London, UK
Time: 10am to 5pm
Cost: £144 (which includes course materials, lunch and refreshments)
Dates (Please state your option):
Topic: Trends in the Management of Hepatitis C Diseases
Venue: London, UK
Time: 10am to 5pm
Cost: £144 (which includes course materials, lunch and refreshments)
Dates (Please state your option):
Topic: Advances in the Management of Diabetes
Venue: London, UK
Time: 10am to 5pm
Cost: £144 (which includes course materials, lunch and refreshments)
Dates (Please state your option):
Topic: Emerging Food Bourne Diseases
Venue: Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Time: 10am to 5pm
Cost: £144 (which includes course materials, lunch and refreshments)
Dates (Please state your option):
Topic: Advances in the Treatment of Gastrointestinal Diseases
Venue: Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Time: 10am to 5pm
Cost: £144 (which includes course materials, lunch and refreshments)
Dates (Please state your option):
Topic: Dealing with Obesity and Overweight Issues
Venue: London, UK
Time: 10am to 5pm
Cost: £144 (which includes course materials, lunch and refreshments)
Dates (Please state your option):
Topic: Advances in the Management of Respiratory Diseases
Venue: London, UK
Time: 10am to 5pm
Cost: £144 (which includes course materials, lunch and refreshments)
Dates (Please state your option):
If you are interested in attending the courses listed above, or require more information, please contract for course pack and registration/booking forms. C.P.D and C.M.E points have been obtained for delegates on the above courses. Alternatively, you can complete the Course Contact Form below and further details will be sent to you.