Project Code:
The Echinococcus Disease Research Team Members have been increasing since 1987 to date.
Echinococcus disease is found worldwide, mostly in northern latitudes. Cases have been reported in central Europe, eastern Europe, Russia, China, Central Asia, Japan, and North America. In North America Echinococcus multilocularis is found primarily in the north central region from eastern Montana to central Ohio, as well as Alaska and Canada.
The two most important forms in humans are cystic echinococcosis (hydatidosis) and alveolar echinococcosis. Humans are infected through ingestion of parasite eggs in contaminated food, water or soil, or after direct contact with animal hosts. The prevalence and incidence of the diseases have been increases steadily in eth affected areas of the World. So the members of the research project team have been undertaking various studies and reviews on the subject area and they have published their work and activities widely in the different media, including in medical journals.
The Research Team on Echinococcus Disease is led by Dr Hannah Hamilton, and the Project Team Members include:
Please note that the members of the team are healthcare professionals, researchers and medical writers in their own rights who have motivation and enthusiasm for educating the public and healthcare professionals in order to foster effective community development internationally. Hence, they have generously contributed their work and project findings to various platforms such Wikipedia, Teaching and Learning Pages etc. So, if anyone or institution or Organisation have any queries about the published work of any member of the project team, please do contact our Research and Development Services at: . If it is about a published work in the centre, please contact the publishers of the Journal concerned or the Editorial Team of the Journal concerned.
For More information about the work of the team, please contact: Research and Development Services at: